Department Head


  • Responsible for the formulation of measures for the consideration of the SP and provide legal assistance, opinions and support to the LCE in carrying out the delivery of basic services;
  • Responsible for the development of plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the LCE, implement the same, particularly those which have to do with programs and projects related to the legal services with the LCE empowered to implement;
  • Responsible for representing the LGU in all civil actions and special proceedings; assist in the implementation of final and executory decision of judicial and quasi judicial bodies;
  • Responsible for, when required by the LCE or SP, drafting ordinance, contracts, bonds and leases, and other instrument involving any interest of the city government, and provide comments and recommendations on any instruments already drawn;
  • Responsible for the investigation of or cause to be investigate any City Official and employee for administrative neglect or misconduct in office;
  • Responsible for the investigation or to investigate any person, firm or corporation holding any franchise or exercising any public privilege for failure to comply with the terms or condition stipulated;
  • Responsible to, when directed by the LCE, initiate and prosecute, in the interest of the LGU concerned, any civil action or any bond, lease or other contract upon any breach or violation thereof;
  • Responsible for the review and to submit recommendations on approved ordinances/ executive orders issued.