What is the Citizens Portal?
The Citizens Portal is the central platform designed to simplify transactions and access to services provided by the City Government of San Fernando. This initiative demonstrates the city’s commitment to improving the quality of life for every Fernandino, particularly those in need.
city's vision, mission AND CORE VALUES

VIsion 2040
The City of San Fernando (P) will be a model city in social development where citizens live in a healthy, safe and sustainable environment with sufficient economic opportunities and rich cultural heritage; with stronger public governance institutions, responsible citizenry and a SMART SUSTAINABLE CITY.
We commit to improve the quality of life of Fernandinos, regardless of their gender, age and physical ability, thru the judicious use of government resources, IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE PRIVATE SECTOR AND THE ACTIVE PARTICIPATION OF THE CITIZENRY.
core values
Commitment, honesty and integrity, discipline, social justice, culture of excellence and love of country.